Board Members
Dr. Prineha Narang
Elected 2023
Dr. Prineha Narang is a Professor in Physical Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where she holds the Howard Reiss Chair. Prior to moving, she was an Assistant Professor of Computational Materials Science at Harvard University. Before starting on the Harvard faculty in 2017, Dr. Narang was an Environmental Fellow at HUCE, and worked as a research scholar in condensed matter theory in the Department of Physics at MIT. She received an M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Caltech. Her group works on theoretical and computational quantum materials, non-equilibrium dynamics, and transport in quantum matter. In 2023 she was appointed a U.S. Science Envoy by the State Department. Narang's work has been recognized by many awards and special designations, including the 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship in Physics, a Maria Goeppert Mayer Award from the American Physical Society, 2022 Outstanding Early Career Investigator Award from the Materials Research Society, Mildred Dresselhaus Prize, Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, a Max Planck Award from the Max Planck Society, and the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Computational Physics all in 2021, an NSF CAREER Award in 2020, being named a Moore Inventor Fellow by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and a Top Innovator by MIT Tech Review (MIT TR35). Narang has organized several symposia and workshops, most recently at the APS March Meeting on "Materials for Quantum Information Science". Her continued service to the community includes chairing the Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting (2022) and the MRS-Kavli Foundation Future of Materials Workshop: Computational Materials Science (2021), as an Associate Editor at ACS Nano of the American Chemical Society, an Associate Editor at Applied Physics Letters of the American Institute of Physics, organizing APS, Optica (OSA), and SPIE symposia, and a leadership role in APS' Division of Materials Physics. Outside of science, she is an avid triathlete, runner, and starting her mountaineering journey.
Standing Committees: Advancement and Institute Relations; Technology Transfer and Innovation